Urged On

20 Nisan 2023 0 Yazar: admin


One always hopes that travel away from home will bring will bring new and exotic adventures, but reality rarely lives up to imagination. This is especially the case with business travel, which is how I found myself staying overnight just an hour or so away from home in a mediocre hotel. I was away for a brief conference and quickly experienced the boredom and tedium of life in an unfamiliar city. After my meetings for the day, I retired to the hotel and eventually made my way to a nondescript restaurant within walking distance to my room for dinner. I did what people do when on their own. I sat at the bar to order my food and washed it down with a drink while mindlessly staring at the TV mounted behind the bar.Throughout the day and during dinner I stayed in contact with my wife by text, lamenting the dullness of the trip and frequently mentioning my desire to be home with her. We’d recently experienced a thrilling evening with another couple that was still fresh in our minds and the topic of much conversation. On that evening I’d witnessed Lillian, my wife, lose herself in a secret moment of passion with another man. I’d had my moments of discomfort and jealousy soon after, but the thrill soon returned, and we shared our enjoyment of the experience and fantasies about what may come next.I’d even gone as far as writing up the experience in an erotic story I titled “Rear Window” and posted to a website that provided a forum for people with like fantasies to share and enjoy such stories. Time and honesty had left us in a good place with our sexual excitement and desire, and sharing the story was a good way for me to heighten the exhilaration by knowing the experience would turn on others as well.An additional benefit had come from discussing with Lillian the other member profiles I’d viewed on the site. I unexpectedly found myself thrilled by some of the men who set up profiles and posted pictures of themselves. I’ve never considered myself to be gay or even strictly bisexual, but I nevertheless appreciated the possible thrills of the male body, especially those who possessed a certain look. Over the years I had gradually confessed this attraction to Lillian. She confirmed my love and appreciation of her soul by being understanding and encouraging of my personal sexual exploration. When I mentioned that a paid subscription to the site was necessary to directly connect with other members, she whipped out the credit card and urged me to follow otele gelen escort my curiosity. So far, that hadn’t yielded much. I was timid and unsure of how to move forward, and, as a result, somewhat stuck waiting for others to “make the first move”.As I sat finishing my dinner at the bar and ordered a second drink, I sent Lillian a message that I’d likely turn in early that evening. She replied that it was probably a good idea, though I should check for any new “messages” before going to sleep. I know she was joking, but it was meant to be encouraging and I appreciated her words. I was just thinking of pulling up the website on my phone when I became aware of a large group of people leaving a table on the other side of the bar area. I casually glanced up to look, and was about to return to my drink when I noticed one guy with the group. There was immediately something familiar about him, and I found myself staring as I tried to place him. Then it came to me. This was a guy I saw almost every day at my gym back home. Here I was, an hour away from anything familiar and feeling like the last man on earth, seeing someone I typically saw five days a week!I placed him in his early to mid-thirties, about ten years younger than myself. He was a few inches taller than me, which, given my five-foot-six-inch frame didn’t make him overly tall. He had a pleasant face framed by longish blond hair and a sandy-colored beard. He had a trim, athletic build with a narrow waist, trim but muscular arms and chest, and well-defined shoulders. I normally wouldn’t be able to describe a stranger in such detail, but when you work out next to someone for a year, the details begin to stick. More than that, he seemed laid-back and friendly. He was dressed casually in jeans and a loose button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His appearance and demeanor all suggested someone comfortable and confident.My “why-do-I-know-you” stare must have been felt, because he glanced up as he began to walk by the bar and immediately noticed me. Evidently, he paid attention at the gym as well. He tiled his head to the side and smiled in a gesture that said I was recognized. My seat at the bar wasn’t far out of his way to the exit, so he walked over and leaned on the chair next to mine as we exchanged one of those conversations reserved for people who know someone by sight but not name. He introduced himself balgat escort as Glen and said he was also in town for business. He was a civil engineer that worked for the county where we both lived, in town to learn about projects the state would be funding in our area. I described my own business and mentioned he was fortunate to be traveling with a group. Glen dismissed this by indicating he was out dining with casual acquaintances from his profession but no one he personally knew.I figured the only thing to do in this situation was invite him to take the empty seat and order a beer. He spent little time debating the invitation, sat down, and grabbed the bartender’s attention. I myself was finishing dinner with an expensive whiskey on the rocks, and Glen decided he would try the same. I’m not great at small talk, and had a moment of apprehension thinking I’d made a mistake and invited embarrassment. But Glen proved an easy conversationalist and we moved smoothly from talk of our workout to more personal exchanges. I described Lillian and her work, and Glen told me about the girl he’d been dating for the past year. After another round of drinks, we laughed more easily and the conversation grew more comfortable.Glen rose to use the restroom and I checked my phone to discover Lillian had messaged me asking if I was back in my room yet. I told her of the chance meeting and described my conversation with Glen. She jokingly replied that I evidently didn’t need a website membership to meet men, to which I responded with a sarcastic emoji. It was likely meant as an innocent comment, but I felt myself flush at the notion. I hadn’t considered the conversation more than a casual meeting, but the drinks and Lillian’s reference to my online interests instantly conjured new images in my mind. I shook this off and reminded myself that Glen was just being friendly. I could explore other ideas later on my own.Glen returned to the bar and I asked if he was up for another round or if he would prefer to call it a night. He responded that he could always go for more, but that he tended to cut himself off at bars because of the price. He was young in his career and on a budget. I said that made complete sense and I was content with what I’d had. But, as we settled our tabs, Glen pointed out that he traveled with a pint of a less expensive but still serviceable whisky in his bag. If I was interested, elvankent escort he was happy to open it and share. His travel bag was in his car out in the restaurant parking lot, and I pointed out that my hotel room was a short walk away. We agreed on the plan and left the restaurant.As we walked outside, I found myself suddenly wondering about both my own motivation and his. My exploration of the erotic story website had taught me how many more people in this world shared my own curiosities and fantasies. That meant that possibilities could be around any corner. I surreptitiously glanced at Glen as he retrieved the whiskey from his car and wondered again what he might be thinking. Most likely he was simply used to casually meeting new people and had no interest in me beyond that. Still, a new heaviness in my body caused my heart to race a little faster. I reminded myself to be calm and make no assumptions.Lillian was a different story. As we walked toward my hotel, I sent her a message explaining what was happening. Her reply this time was less sarcastic. She asked if I thought “something” was about to happen, and I said of course not. Whatever fantasies I’d explored concerning another man, I never expected to actually experience anything of the sort. She replied that I should make no assumptions. Guys, she said, rarely brought alcohol into a stranger’s hotel room just to watch TV. I had to concede that point, and asked what she thought I should do. Her reply, followed by a wink, simply stated that, whatever happened, she wanted a picture.Glen and I stopped for ice and soon arrived at my room. Drinks were poured, and we pulled up chairs to sit across from one another and continue our conversation. We continued to chat about our personal lives, telling stories that brought laughs, more so as the level in the bottle diminished. He related a story about a colleague who got in serious trouble on a similar trip for charging hotel room porn to the company credit card. I asked why someone would pay for it when so much good material was free online. He agreed and mentioned that his personal favorite adult entertainment was the variety of stories all over the web.This was an opening I couldn’t pass. I took a breath and, casually as possible, mentioned I had just written one and put it online. He seemed surprised and asked about the subject. I gave him a brief outline, that it was about watching my wife with another man through a window in our house. He asked if it was true or just fantasy and, after a quick internal debate, I confessed it to be true. Glen said he’d love to read it if I wouldn’t mind, and I reminded him it was online for absolutely anyone to see. I directed him to the website and gave him the title, and he began searching on his phone, apparently eager to start reading.